The Gospel for Kids, Not Just for Children

Screenshot of the Gospel  for Kids app.

Have you seen how the Gospel for Kids can help your children and grandchild learn the gospel? Take a look.

I had a wonderful time at the BYU Women’s Conference last week. It was great meeting the attendees and answering their questions about the Gospel Library and other mobile apps the church produces.

I was grateful for those from church headquarters who assisted at the booth.

I am familiar with all twelve of the church apps, and I suggest you take the time to peruse the list of what is available. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the variety and perhaps will find a few that will help you follow the counsel of President Nelson,

“I plead with you today to counter the lure of the world by making time for the Lord in your life–each and every day.” 1

I mentioned previously that I am familiar with all of the church apps, but I was excited to learn that there were some things about the Gospel for Kids app that I didn’t know, thanks to Shelly Collins, Project Coordinator for the app, who assisted me at the booth.

If you are a parent with young children, I encourage you to download the app and explore all its wonderful features and how you can use the app to aid in teaching the gospel and eternal principles to your children.

For example, Scripture Stories from the Old Testament, New Testament, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants. These stories are read and have the script and wonderful visuals. These stories can be a catalyst for discussion of the principles being taught, and aid children who are learning to read.

In the music section, there is a playlist of the 2023 Come, Follow Me Music listed by month. You can also create a playlist of the child’s favorite songs.

In the Article of Faith section are learning aids to help a child memorize the Articles.

There is so much more, so be sure to download the app and share it with your children.

Now, a word of caution which is not directed toward the app but about mobile devices in general in regards to children.

These devices are dangerous; they are a gateway to things that can and do cause damage to children. Social media can be a useful tool for those that understand its dangers; for those who don’t, it can impact their self-esteem and even cause their death. (read the following story which is just one example of the many children that have lost their lives because of social media.) This should be a continual topic in the home as parents teach and guide their children on its dangers and proper use.

Not only do the devices open to the children a dangerous world, but their use can damage healthy development.

Mobile devices have been given to us to hasten the Lord’s work; we need to ensure we are using them to accomplish that goal.

Based on the above, I offer my counsel in teaching children the proper use of the devices.

  1. A mobile device should not be used as a babysitter.
  2. Limit how much time a child spends on electric devices. Perhaps 15 minutes a day. Let the Spirit guide you in this.
  3. Ensure the child is within your view as they use the devices to ensure they stay on the app you want them to be using.
  4. Have frequent age-appropriate Family Home Evenings on the proper usage of the devices and the dangers of social media, and how to use social media to hasten the Lord’s work.
  5. Model the proper use of the devices in your daily lives. Children learn much by what they see than what they hear from you.

I hope you will consider what I have shared about using what the Lord has provided us in ways that are uplifting, to strengthen your testimony, and aid in doing His work; it is for this purpose that the church has developed the apps to aid us along the covenant path.

We have truly been blessed to live in this marvelous dispensation, but with that blessing comes greater responsibility. May we lead the way and teach that responsibility to our children.

  1. October 2021 general conference ↩︎

Bookmarks – The Forgotten Feature


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