Taking Charge of Technology

Technology is a blessing to hasten the Lord’s work but can also draw us away from the covenant path. The Gospel Library has suggestions for the healthy use of our mobile devices.

Not only do teens struggle with using their mobile devices in a way that promotes drawing closer to the Lord, but adults also have the same challenge. Part of the reason the youth allow technology to run their lives is the poor role modeling of the adults.

The Youth Collection in the Gospel Library has excellent help controlling and using technology in a way that benefits spiritual growth. There are four short sections and two wonderful videos that have proven popular with the youth.

The first section is titled “Learning to Use Technology Safely” and states that every time we use technology, we make a decision and suggest using the three Ps, Purpose, Plan, and Pause, to help us make the right decision in taking charge of our devices.

The second section explains the first P – Purpose. It stresses that we should use technology with a purpose and not allow It to control us. This section has a beautiful, funny, and powerful video.

The third section shares the importance of the second P – Plan. It encourages us to plan ahead to feel better and make better choices. At the bottom of the section is a link to “For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices.”

The fourth section covers the last P – Pause. The section helps us see that taking time away from our mobile devices is OK. This section has the second video. Again, I can’t praise these videos enough; they are very entertaining and informative, and not only for teens, but adults will also enjoy them. The section has a link to a poster that summarizes the material. This can be printed and posted at home, shared on social media, via text, or email.

This material is excellent for a Family Home Evening, one-on-one, and classroom discussions.

I encourage everyone of all ages (hint - this includes grandparents) to read the material and watch the videos, and then talk about it.


Becoming A Witting Disciple


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