I Need Your Help

Podcast ratings are vital to increasing listenership. Here is how you can help.

My podcast growth has been solid and is considered by podcast norms a success. Of course, my podcast doesn’t compare to celebrities and well-known personalities in the church. But most podcasts don’t, so I have been pleased with the size of my audience. Furthermore, considering only 20% of podcasts last beyond one year, I consider the podcast a success as I will soon be entering into my third year.

My podcast growth has been solid and is considered by podcast norms a success. Of course, my podcast doesn’t compare to celebrities and well-known personalities in the church. But most podcasts don’t, so I have been pleased with the size of my audience. Furthermore, considering only 20% of podcasts last beyond one year, I consider the podcast a success as I will soon be entering into my third year.

Another sign of success is people have shared with me how it has helped them; ultimately, this is the gold standard of success.

I have not paid any attention to the podcast analytics until recently and learned that it has no ratings. In each podcast, I ask listeners to give the podcast a rating and share their comments.

Why are ratings so important? Here is an except from AppleToolBox that clearly explains the importance of ratings –

The most obvious answer to the question of why you should rate and review podcasts is to simply offer your support for your favorite podcasts and creators. However, the answer goes much deeper than that, especially when it comes to reviewing podcasts from the Apple Podcasts or Spotify app.

Algorithms play a major role in the discovery process for any podcast, new or old. If a new podcast hits the airwaves and is incredible, you may never find out about it because those who have managed to listen to it, haven’t left a rating for it. Conversely, the algorithm is so temperamental that even a single negative rating for a new podcast can bury it, similar to what we see with YouTube videos.

But if you leave a rating or review for podcasts from either Spotify’s app or the Podcasts app, you could play a major part in the “next big podcast” getting discovered by the masses. Plus, if you enjoy the podcast, you’ll feel good knowing that the podcast creator(s) are going to read your review, and you could simply make their day! So if you have a library full of podcasts that you’re subscribed to, take a few minutes and go leave a rating.

So, there you have it! You can help in spreading the word, not for my aggrandizement, but to help others know of something that may benefit them.

Therefore, here is my shameless plug. I would greatly appreciate it if you would go to the podcast and give it a rating and, if you have the time, a brief comment.

I learned from the analytics the majority of listeners use the Apple Podcast app, so here are the instructions for leaving a rating using Podcast.

Scroll down below the episode list to the Ratings & Reviews section, then do any of the following:

  1. Rate a show: Click a star to select a rating. You can also hold your pointer over the stars, then click or drag to add or remove stars.
  2. Read reviews: Click the Forward button or the Back button to read single reviews, or click See All to see more listener reviews.
  3. Write your review: Click Write a Review, write your review, then click Save.

If you use Spotify, go to the main podcast page and tap on Rating or if no one has yet, given a rating, then tap on “No rating.”

If you use Overcast, tap on the Star at the bottom of the episode you are listening to.

After having been advised for about two years to create a trailer to help promote the podcast, I finally produced one. Here is a link to the trailer that you can share with others.

In closing, I am grateful to those that listen to the podcast and a special thanks to those that have been my guests.

I appreciate your support, and thank you in advance for providing a rating.


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