Long Press & The Gospel Library

A Long Press and the Gospel Library is fun and time-saving. Well, it saves a few seconds. Image what you can do with the extra time.

There is a little-mentioned feature in the Gospel Library that I find very helpful – the long press. Before getting into the Gospel Library, let’s look at the long press in general.

A long press has been a feature in mobile phones for some time now. Apple introduced the feature in 2007. The long press allows users to trigger additional options for an app. Press and hold on nearly every icon, and a short menu will appear with some of the main functions of the app. For example, for the iPhone, do a long press on the Safari icon, and you will see - Show Reading List, Show Bookmarks, New Private Tab, and New Tab. The same features exist in Android. For example, a long press on Contacts and you get - “Create New Contact.”

The Gospel Library has a few long presses that you may find of interest.

For Apple users, while in content, do a long press on the Bookmark icon, and the option to Add Bookmark will appear. Tap on it, and you have created a Bookmark in the content. This saves a step. Normally, you would tap on the Bookmark and then tap on the Plus.

In Screens, both Android and Apple have options that pop up. For Android, you can Rename and Duplicate, and for Apple, you can also Rename and Close Other Screens.

In both Android and Apple in the Library, do a long press, and you have the options to Download All, Remove All, and Share.

Now open a Collection, for example, Jesus Christ, and then a long press on Special Witnesses of Christ, and you can in Android Download, Add to a custom Collection or Share, and for Apple, you can Remove, Add to a custom Collection, Create a Study Plan and Share.

The use of long presses is limited in Gospel Library, but they are there. The uptake from this short post is to start experimenting with long presses on all the app icons on your device because you never know what you will find.

As to the Gospel Library, with each new version, see if any new long presses have been added.


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