A Book Recommendation and More

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A book recommendation on revelation and a website to help in your scripture studies.

This may be one of my shortest posts. I want to share with you two things that I think you may find of interest.

First, a book recommendation – You Are Receiving Revelation: Now Act On It by Loren Dalton. The author stresses that we need to act immediately on the revelation and stop second-guessing if it is from the Lord, which is the counsel Elder Bednar also gives. Dalton explains there is a first impression and a second impression. The first impression is from the Lord, the second is from the adversary who does his best to logically explain why the first impression is not from the Lord. Dalton, past mission president, shares many stories from his missionaries who acted on the first impression despite how illogical or weird it might be, and it blessed the lives of the missionaries and those they worked with.

The book is inspiring and reminds us how important it is to act immediately on the impression we receive.

Second, I discovered an organization that has existed for some time – One In Israel. The organization is by and for Jews. The aim of the organization is to show that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Here is the introduction to the site

ONE FOR ISRAEL is an initiative of native-born Israelis on the forefront of high-tech media evangelism, proclaiming salvation to Israel, raising up spiritual leaders through ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Bible College and equipping them with the tools they need to transform our communities.

They further state:

For 2000 years, the Jewish Messiah has been hidden from the Jewish people… but today Israel is awakening to the Gospel!

I mention this site because they have some wonderful discussions about how the Old Testament testifies that Jesus is the Messiah of the New Testament.

For example, I watched a discussion on Psalms 110, which is quoted in the New Testament more than any other scripture in the Old Testament. I found the discussion informative, and it helped me gain a further understanding of the Psalm, which I have been studying for some time.

I hope you will check out the book and take a look at One for Israel.


Revelation & First Impressions


Long Press & The Gospel Library