A Time To Review And Ponder

We have been counseled to review and ponder the conference talks. Here is an easy way to do that.

April general conference is now over; prayers were offered, talks given, music heard, and the spirit has filled our souls; now, we need to act. The Gospel Library Study Plans can help with reviewing the talks, as we have been counseled to do by President Russell M. Nelson.

In the coming days in the Gospel Library the videos of the conference will be available and shortly following the videos, the text will also be available.

When available, it would be a good time to set up a Study Plan in the Gospel Library to review the conference over the following weeks. To take time to ponder each talk and confirm what we need to change in our lives to become more Christ—like in thought and behavior.

Study Plans offer flexibility. You can set up a plan to meet your specific circumstances. If you tend to be of the forgettable type, you can set up reminders to remind you when it is time to study.

A Study Plan is easy to set up. I encourage you to create a reminder for the end of this week to create a Study Plan and rejoice in hearing again the precious counsel we were privileged to hear this weekend.


Podcast 85 Now Available


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