A Hidden Option In The Gospel Library

Home Screen of the Gospel Library iOS

It is always fun to discover little secrets to using the Gospel Library

Another Secret

A short post to share a hidden option available with links to Related Content or links within the content. Sorry, Android users, this option is only available on Apple devices. Before sharing this option, some of you may not be familiar with some of the above terminology, so a short explanation follows. If you feel you know your way around the Gospel Library, scroll down to Secret Option near the bottom of the screen.

A Short Explanation

Related Content is an expanded version of the Footnotes in your current printed scriptures.

To open Related Content, tap on the three-dots in the screen’s upper-right corner. This opens the Overflow Menu. Now tap on Related Content. A sidebar opens to the right of the screen with a list of scripture references and other information found in the Footnotes of the printed scriptures. With digital devices Related Content also contains videos and photos add by the church, in addition anything you have added to Related Content such as Notes, Tags etc.

Note that all content in the Gospel Library has Related Content, but not all Related Content contains information.

For example, open 1 Nephi 3:7 and tap on the Overflow Menu, then tap on Related Content. The sidebars open with a list of references.

Tap on Home, then tap on General Conference. Scroll down to Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers at the beginning of the Saturday Afternoon Session and tap on it. Tap on the three-dots and open the Overflow Menu, then tap on Related Content and you will find No Related Content.

Secret Option

Go 1 Nephi 3:7 and open Related Content. The first item you see is TG Sustaining Church Leaders (you may have to scroll up or down a little), this is a link, tap on the link. On the title, tap and hold and a menu will open. With two choices– to Open or to Open in a New Screen. There is a third option for iPad users– Open a Window.

  1. Open– replaces the current content with the linked content
  2. Open in a New Screen– opens the content in the Screen section. This section is found with a tap on the Screens icon in the lower-right corner.
  3. Open in a Window– splits the screen between the content you are reading and the content of the link

The Option Menu is also available with links within content. For example, in the Come, Follow Me lessons.

Make sure to share this tip with others.


Episode 81 – A Technology Pioneer


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