The Amazing Long-press

The long-press option of the iPhone is availlable in the Gospel Library, however, on a limited basis. Here are some areas that you might find useful.

Discover the incredible power at your fingertips when you touch the screen of an iPhone! (Sorry, Android users. These Gospel Library features are exclusively available on iPhone).

Inside the Gospel Library app, there's a hidden gem waiting for you. Press the Bookmark icon at the bottom, and voila! You can effortlessly add a Bookmark without having to navigate to another page.

But wait, there's more! If you head over to the Bookmark page, give a friendly tap, and hold on to the Update icon to the right of each Bookmark, a marvelous popup menu springs to life. Within this magical menu, you have the ability to Open the Bookmark (it's easier to tap on the Bookmark itself), Open a New Screen, Rename your Bookmark, and even delete it (it is easier to slide the Bookmark to the left). The Rename option is also available by tapping the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, selecting the desired Bookmark, and filling in its delightful name. By using this popup menu, you'll be saving precious taps.

History has its own little secret, too! When you tap on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and find yourself in the History section, a list of your previous Gospel Library destinations appears. But it doesn't end there! With a gentle press on any item in the list, you can either Open the History item (equivalent to a simple tap) or Open a New Screen. Remember, these History perks are separate for each device, ensuring a personalized experience.

Now, let's talk about Screens! Press the Screens icon and unlock the ability to create a brand-new screen. Embrace the chaos of a beautifully organized digital world!

But wait, there's even more awaiting you on your iPhone! Long-press options are here to revolutionize your mobile experience.

If you're not familiar with this feature, fret not! I have a great article to help you get started on your journey of productive actions with a simple long-press on your iPhone or iPad. Dive in and unleash the true potential of your device!

For Android users, there are long-press options throughout the phone. However, it depends on which device you have. Here is a link to an article you might find of interest. There are also Android apps that offer long-press features for the phone.


A Born Again Christian’s Search for Truth


Michelle Porcelli - A Zest for Life