Gospel Library Widgets

iPhone Home Screen showing widgets

Widgets are fun and, more importantly, save time. The Gospel Library has some great widgets.

Gospel Library Widgets

Widgets are all the rage now, but they are not new. The first widget appeared around 25 years ago. A widget usually appears on your Home Screen, and is an expansion of an app providing information without having to open the app, or gain quick access to an option within the app. Widgets can also be added to your Lock Screen, and for Apple users, the Today View.

Widgets are about saving time. For example, a weather widget provides up-to-date weather information, or a tap on a note widget opens a new note.

Widgets are created by the app developer, so not all apps have widgets.

The Gospel Library offers widgets for Apple and Android.

Apple and Android offer the same three widgets:

Come, Follow Me– quickly opens the current lesson

Quote of the Day– a daily quote from the latest general conference

Verse of the Day– a verse from the current Come, Follow Me lesson

Android also offers a Bookmark widget which provides access to your Gospel Library Bookmarks.

The widgets come in two sizes, small and large.

Adding a widget to your Home Screen is simple, and the process is about the same for either Apple or Android.

If you don’t know how to add a widget to your phone, here are instructions for Apple and Android.

Widgets are helpful and fun. Take some time out and treat yourself.


Google Search & The Gospel Library


Episode 81 – A Technology Pioneer