AI and Scripture Study

Screenshot of ChatGPT in action.

AI is making its mark in the world. Where do you stand?

I need your help. This post covers an important topic and is a longer read (about 10 min) than normal. At the end of the post, I ask you to share your opinion on the subject matter.

In the past six months, the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained significant attention in the media. It would be hard to ignore the frequent headlines featuring AI.

If you're unfamiliar with the term, AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It involves creating and utilizing computer systems that have the ability to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI can be applied in a wide range of fields, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, education, and entertainment.

Some common examples of AI technologies currently in use are voice assistants like Siri or Alexa, recommendation systems utilized by streaming platforms, autonomous vehicles, fraud detection systems, and medical diagnostic tools.

Here is an example of using AI to write me a short post of the dangers of AI.

Within seconds it produced an eight-paragraph post. Below is just the first two paragraphs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly revolutionized numerous aspects of our lives, offering promising solutions to complex problems. However, along with its tremendous potential, AI also presents certain dangers that must be acknowledged and carefully addressed. As we continue to integrate AI into various domains, it becomes crucial to consider the ethical and societal implications that can arise from its use.

One significant concern is the potential for biased decision-making. AI systems heavily rely on the data they are trained on, and if that data is biased or contains inherent prejudices, it can lead to discriminatory outcomes. For instance, biased algorithms in hiring processes could perpetuate gender or racial biases, exacerbating existing inequalities. It is essential to ensure that AI systems are trained on diverse and representative datasets and rigorous testing is performed to detect and mitigate any biases.

AI Is Not New

AI is not new. According to an article out of Harvard on the history of AI, the concept started in the first half of the 20th century when . . . “science fiction familiarized the world with the concept of artificially intelligent robots. It began with the “heartless” Tin man from the Wizard of Oz and continued with the humanoid robot that impersonated Maria in Metropolis. By the 1950s, we had a generation of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers with the concept of artificial intelligence (or AI) culturally assimilated in their minds.

According to the McKinsey Global Survey on AI, the utilization of AI in the corporate sector has doubled since 2017.

Recently, AI has been incorporated into a few of the apps that I frequently use. For instance, Spark Mail, my email app, now includes an AI button that allows me to reply to emails automatically and provides other options as well.

You might be curious if there is an AI button in the Gospel Library, but I am sorry to say that such an option does not exist.

I am writing this post to share that some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are starting to use AI to study the scriptures. While I am not against such a practice, I do feel that it raises some questions.

Let’s look at how AI could be used in studying the scriptures. Here is a response from AI when I asked, “What is the main point of Alma 14 in the Book of Mormon?”

In Alma 14 of the Book of Mormon, the main theme revolves around the persecution and steadfastness of the believers in the face of intense opposition. The chapter recounts the experiences of Alma and Amulek, two righteous individuals who the Lord sent to preach the gospel among the people of Ammonihah.

The chapter begins by describing the wickedness and unbelief of the people in Ammonihah. Alma and Amulek were initially rejected and mistreated by the people. However, after enduring many afflictions and false accusations, they were eventually thrown into prison.

While in prison, Alma and Amulek witnessed the martyrdom of several innocent women and children who were believers. The persecutors attempted to burn them alive for their faith. This horrifying event deeply affected Alma and Amulek, and they were filled with sorrow and compassion for the suffering of these faithful individuals.

After witnessing this atrocity, Alma and Amulek were given divine power and strength to break free from their bonds. They confronted their captors and declared the power of God, warning the wicked people of the impending judgment that would come upon them if they did not repent.

Alma and Amulek went on to preach with great power and authority, performing miracles and converting many people in Ammonihah. However, the majority of the people remained hardened in their hearts and rejected their message.

The main lesson from Alma 14 is the importance of standing firm in the face of persecution and remaining faithful to God, even in the most difficult circumstances. Despite the opposition and violence they encountered, Alma and Amulek remained steadfast and relied on the strength and power of God. Their example serves as an inspiration for believers to endure trials and tribulations with faith and courage.

That’s a pretty good response.

Next, I requested AI to assist me in creating a lesson about Matthew 5 from the New Testament. Within seconds, a comprehensive plan was generated, which included an overview of the lesson, the objective, and the estimated time for each section.

Here is a snippet from the lesson:

Title: The Sermon on the Mount: Living as Kingdom Citizens Lesson Overview: This lesson explores Matthew 5, commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount. It focuses on the teachings of Jesus and the principles of the Kingdom of God. The chapter contains the Beatitudes, teachings on discipleship, and Jesus’ instruction to be salt and light in the world. The aim is to help participants understand the radical nature of Jesus’ teachings and how they apply to our lives as followers of Christ.

Key Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:1-16 (Read the passage together as a group)

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To understand the significance of the Sermon on the Mount in Jesus’ teachings.
  2. To explore the Beatitudes and their transformative message.
  3. To examine Jesus’ teachings on discipleship and the call to be salt and light in the world.
  4. To discuss practical ways to live out the principles taught in Matthew 5.

Again, not a bad plan.

Food for Thought

When discussing potential solutions in Israel, it is common to hear the question, “Is it good for the Jews?”

Similarly, I believe we should ask ourselves, “Is AI beneficial for my spiritual growth?” Now, before dismissing the idea of using AI to study scriptures or prepare a lesson or talk, let’s consider the following.

Our prophets, from Brigham Young to President Nelson, have stated that technology is provided in these last days to hasten the work of the Lord. I also have a list of quotes from our prophets and apostles that state that technology in and of itself is neither good nor bad. Lastly, Elder Bednar encouraged Mission Presidents to embrace technology.

Some Questions

AI is here to stay and is becoming more advanced by the day.

How could you use it to enhance your scripture study and help prepare talks and lessons without removing the Holy Ghost as the teacher?

Let’s take, as an example, preparing a lesson. The preparation should include prayer, pondering, and listening to the spirit of what the unique class you are teaching needs.

Can you think how AI could aid in the lesson without pushing the spirit to the side?

No Answers

The aim of this post is to bring to your attention the latest developments in the field of technology and prompt you to consider whether AI has a place in our study of the scriptures or in preparing a lesson or talk.

While I have my own thoughts on the matter, I prefer to refrain from sharing them at this time.

Please email me and share your comments on the subject. I will then share the comments in a later post. Names will be withheld.

Before I close, some of you must be wondering if I used AI to write this post.

Ummmm? My lips are sealed.


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