A Treasure Trove of Resources For Sharing the Gospel

Stuck on how to engage in missionary work in your neighborhood and among friends? Check-out the Sharing the Gospel section of the Gospel Library.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints places great importance on sharing the gospel with others. It is not just the responsibility of missionaries but of every member. Recognizing this, the Gospel Library has an entire section – Sharing the Gospel – dedicated to learning about missionary work.

It starts with two videos about ways to Love, Share and Invite. These videos are not only inspirational but also provide practical advice on how to engage with others in a meaningful way.

There are helpful resources specifically designed for local leaders seeking guidance in their efforts to share the gospel. These resources aim to equip leaders with the tools and insights to teach and share the gospel within their communities effectively.

Social media has become an essential part of our lives in today's digital age. Recognizing its potential, the Church encourages members to follow their social media channels, which provide timely updates and inspiring messages. By sharing these posts, we can play our part in spreading the gospel to a broader audience.

One of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal is the Book of Mormon. The Sharing the Gospel section offers resources to help us effectively share this sacred text with others.

Finding a meetinghouse or connecting with the missionaries can be daunting for those unfamiliar with the Church. However, the Gospel Library section provides resources to assist us in helping our friends find their local meetinghouse and connect with the missionaries. This simple act of reaching out can significantly impact someone's journey toward finding the gospel.

Lastly, the section also contains resources on how and what to share. Whether through personal testimonials or gospel principles, these resources provide guidance on effectively communicating the gospel's message. The "Preach My Gospel" manual is also available in this section of the Gospel Library.

In conclusion, the Sharing the Gospel Section in the Gospel Library is a treasure trove of resources available to every member of the Church. It provides videos, resources for local leaders, ways to connect with missionaries, and guidance on sharing the gospel and the Book of Mormon. Utilizing these resources can confidently fulfill our duty to share the gospel and help others come unto Christ. Let us maximize these resources and be a beacon of light in this ever-changing world.


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