The Busy Latter-day Saint

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Gospel Library Drag and Drop

It is essential to understand the meaning of a word. In the Gospel Library, you can select a word, then tap on “Define” and a dictionary with the definition of will appear.

Sometimes, a quick read of the definition will suffice, but there are times that you will want to place that definition in a “Note” for future reference.

The “Copy” command does not work within the popup definition. Thus, requiring you to remember the definition, and then type it into a “Note.”

This is not a problem if the definition is simple. However, if the definition has several meanings then you are left with having to go outside of the Library, open a dictionary, find the definition and then copy it, go back to the Library, select the word again, tap on “Note,” tap on the body of the “Note,” then tap on paste.

Here is an easier and quicker way. In this example, I am using the app Drafts. It has a free version which will serve our purposes for this exercise. You can also use Apple’s built-in app “Note,” however, Drafts is far superior. (see my note about Drafts at the end of this post).

Here are the steps:

  • Open Drafts.
  • Create a split screen with the Library on one side and Drafts on the other.
  • Select the word you want to be defined.
  • Hold your finger on the definition until it appears to lift off the page.
  • Keeping your finger on the definition drag it into Drafts, then lift your finger.
  • Close the dictionary.

There are now two options:

Step 1

  • In the Library, tap on “Note.”
  • Select the text in Drafts and drag the text into the “Note.”

Step 2

  • In Drafts tap on the Actions menu, in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Tap on the Action “Copy.”
  • In the Library tap on “Note,” then tap on the body of the “Note.”
  • Tap on Paste.

The above becomes even easier if you place Drafts into your “Dock,” then you can drag Drafts into the right or left of the screen to create a split-screen.


Everyone that has an iPhone or iPad should download Drafts. It is an award-winning, indispensable, and powerful app (did I add enough adjectives?) that will simplify your digital life. Click here to learn more.