The Busy Latter-day Saint

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Following the Counsel of Elder Bednar Digitally

Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has suggested a way to study a gospel subject. Acquire an inexpensive paperback copy of the Book of Mormon, and as you read, mark any reference to the subject you are studying. After finishing the book, review the references and then write down everything you learned about the subject.

I think Bednar’s suggestion is an excellent tool. My problem is using a hard copy of the book. I would prefer to do it digitally because the digital replica of the book is always available, ready to read and mark. I can also make extensive notes if so moved.

I thought of using the Gospel Library and tagging each reference for the subject I am studying. Still, my scriptures are already heavily marked, and I want to start with a new unmarked book, as Elder Bednar has suggested. Also, I like the ability to hand-write over the text.

And lastly, I want the ability to recall the highlighted words quickly.

Recently, I found a solution. Download the PDF version of the Book of Mormon from the church website into my iPad and import it into GoodNotes, an excellent note-taking app for iPad and iPhone, and using a stylus, highlight the text. I use the Apple Pencil , but any stylus will work (you can also use a finger).

For a little bit of flair, I added a photo of the cover of the Book of Mormon as the cover page in GoodNotes.

Here is a page from my Book of Mormon in GoodNotes. Currently, I am looking for any reference of the Savior.

Now I can satisfy my needs and follow the counsel of Elder Bednar.

Gave it a try and let me know how it works for you.